February 22, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Authentic Movement
An 8 Week Embodiment Journey
2025 Winter Series
Eight Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm
February 10th-April 7th, (no class 3/3)
@Moving Body Resources, 112 West 27th St #402, Chelsea, Manhattan
-ground and expand into the unconscious and archetypal, attune to your body’s wisdom-
This is an invitation to devote eight weeks this winter to deepening into your body space, to turning inside to experience your inner landscape. The winter season naturally turns us inwards. Aligning with that, you will be guided to sink more deeply into the moss and the holding earth below it. Into the quiet, into the darkness and space. What is incubating there, what is wanting to be heard, to be born, created, to be Moved.
Authentic Movement is a transfomative body centered practice. It is embodied meditation, Deep Listening with your body and your eyes. It is a simple yet profound. Mary Starks Whitehouse first developed it in the field of expressive arts therapy in the 1950’s; then Janet Adler evolved the form, bringing in Buddhist and ecstatic aspects. It has roots in Jungian Psychology. In the words of Mary Starks Whitehouse: in Authentic Movement you experience “…an open waiting, which is a kind of listening to the body, an emptiness in which something can happen. You wait until you can feel a change… you follow where it leads, like following a pathway that opens up before you as you step.”
During this eight weeks you will explore this pathway to presence; learning to listen to and trust the cues and guidance that your body offers in real time. It is practiced in a safe and respectful container held by the facilitator and the group. The mover generally moves with eyes closed in order to contact their inner body, witnessed or seen by another. There are different ‘scores’ or forms, that we will visit each week, that allow for experience and exploration. Comfort and facility with the form deepens over time. As with the layers of an onion, the depths are endless– inviting curiosity and engagement while discovering new territory in the world of your body, the space between you and others, in relationship, and in community. Participants have found it deeply satisfying, surprisingly expansive, touching, and joyful.
As we navigate this post-pandemic time, climate change, and political crisies and atrocity of escalating magnitude, Authentic Movement offers us balance through connection to self and others in the amplified space of the movement circle. It is a safe space within which to ground and experience the body; likely awakening to feeling and sensing it in many ways for the first time, as well as seeing the others and the world with new eyes.
In this course you will:
Learn about Authentic Movement, it’s history as an embodiment practice and its potential for healing
Receive Articles and other writings on Authentic Movement to further your understanding. Reading will be optional, yet encouraged.
Try on both the Mover and Witness Role
Learn techniques to allow the body to move and express, and be the initiator (rather than the mind directing)
Practice drawing, writing, and speaking as integration of the unconscious material you discover in your (and other’s) movement
Learn safe and respectful ways of reflecting on others experiences.
Practice compassionate listening and witnessing (of yourself and others).
Have the opportunity to experience your body kinesthetically, in a space of non-judgement and positive regard.
Experience new aspects of connection with others, yourself, and Community
The Structure:
Each of the eight weeks will progress into the next, visiting a different theme and aspect of the form. Each week we’ll begin with a guided warm up or ‘drop-in’ to the body—drawing from Breathwork, Humming/toning, Body-Mind Centering, release technique, qi-gong, shamanic practice, and yoga. There will be time to practice a traditional Authentic Movement ‘score’—solo, in dyads and with the whole group. There will be time to integrate through writing, drawing, and reflection with others in the style unique to Authentic.
All students will receive a bonus 45 minute private zoom or phone session during the 8 weeks to assist with your integration of the class material.
No previous experience is necessary, experienced Authentic Movers are welcome.
All Bodies, abilities, and identities are welcome.
has been studying and teaching Authentic Movement since 1992. She has studied with Janet Adler, Susan Schell, Paula Josa Jones, and Carolyn Shakti Sadeh. She has continued to learn from countless peers, clients, and students. She has led Authentic Movement weekend workshops and ten week groups, both inside and outside in nature–at The University of Vermont, Emerson Umbrella, Earthdance, Dance New England, and in New York City. For more about Shakti scroll below.
If you have any questions contact Shakti via email or phone to schedule a 15 minute call. 917-405-5877/[email protected]
Please let me know of your interest by 1/27 if possible, this helps me with securing studio space
EarlyBird: paid by 1/27: Low end slide: $375, Standard: $425, Supporter: $475
After 1/27: $495
To register:
1) Send an email to [email protected]
2) Send your payment:
Venmo: @Shakti-Smith, last 4 digits phone number are 5877
Zelle: [email protected]
There are two student/low income artist spots available for $265—please inquire to apply.
If you are new to Authentic Movement or to Shakti, there will be a 15 minute call scheduled as a part of registration.