(917) 405-5877 shakti@premasoma.com
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Free Ticketshow details + $0.00 USD  

  •  October 16, 2024
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Please note the date change, so as not to conflict with Yom Kippur

10th Annual FALLing Into Nature!
Nature & Ancestor Connection
with special guest Rob Murphy

Sunday, October 13th@10am
with Rob Murphy and Shakti Smith

This is the 10th year that Shakti has been bringing folks into Prospect Park for Nature Connection experiences—workshops that help those of us living in the urban environment experience nature in a palpable way that nourishes body and mind, and enhances daily life. Shakti is so pleased to announce that this time Rob Murphy will be joining us, all the way from British Columbia. Rob has decades of experience as an activist (with the AIM movement), healer, and teacher. Shakti studied with him for many years with Shamanic Reiki Worldwide.

We had an incredible time out in Prospect Park last June warming up into this material and connecting with the land as a group, and individually finding nourishment and healing. It was fun! This time Rob will be joining us, and we’ll try some new nature connection practices.

When we meet on the 13th: together Rob and Shakti will guide the group into sacred space. We’ll then call in the four directions with the power of the elements, with special attention to the element of fire. There will be ample time for each individual to try out activities that help us to genuinely feel more connected with the natural world. Rob will teach on the relationship between the soul and the ancestors. All leading to a special Shamanic Journey with live drumming, to find a sprit guide, an ancestral ally that can assist you in intergenerational healing for all four of your ancestral streams. This is the focus of Rob’s current life work, he has a book coming out soon on the relationship between the Soul and the Ancestors.

In summary:
Calling in the four directions with a special focus on the element of fire
Camay—energetic and sound technique that connects the body with the earth and sky
Learn about the energetic qualities of the land and trees, and experiment with attuning to them yourself
Shamanic Journey with live Drumming, to find a spirit guide for ancestral healing
Integration with the Group
Rob is known for his wisdom and depth and breadth as a teacher for many decades, and for the gentle way with which he teaches. Shakti is known for her pragmatic and grounded, yet expansive spiritual teaching. She makes ‘far out’ concepts ‘try on able’. Hopeful yet skeptical students have found they can experience the energy of a tree, each in their own way. We hope that you can join us!!!

Rob is a gifted Drum and shamanic tool maker, there will be some at the workshop to buy, along with a few copies of Shakti’s book.

This teaching space is Trans informed, LGBTQ+ inclusive, all are welcome

To Register:
1) Contact Shakti by Email@Shakti@premasoma.com
2) Fee: $60 by October 6th, $70 after. Pay via Venmo: @Shakti-Smith, last 4 digits phone number are 5877
or Zelle: Shakti@premasoma.com

For questions write Shakti at Shakti@PremaSoma.com or Rob at robmurphy.shaman@gmail.com

location announced upon registration

